細目 健太郎(DJ)

【In Japanese】







メンバーのta:law da afromanとは大学の同級生。共通の知人を介して遊ぶ程度の間柄で、在学時はお笑い芸人を目指すも相方が就職を決め挫折。数年後に彼が帰国した際バンドをやっている事を知り、電光石火の速さで機材を購入し加入。音楽的知識は皆無で感覚のみで動く。7〜8人目のメンバー。


【In English】

He is a descendant of the Hosonome family, direct vassals of the Sendai clan, whose first lord was Date Masamune.


His right hand is a chopstick, scissors, and brush; his left hand is a toothbrush, pen, and jerk-off; he is ambidextrous with a knife, and he throws left-handed and strikes right.

His protruding lower jaw area had developed unusually since eighth grade, and although he tried to correct it once, the catalogue shown to the doctor at the time was so heavy that even Dr. Rector was surprised. The complicated braces are joined at the top of his head, and the hat he wears with a brim to hide the pattern of the braces is a one-man circus. However, he is afraid of the possibility of further tragedy and decides to live with this jaw for the rest of his life.


The member ta:law da afroman and I were classmates in college, and we only played with each other through a mutual friend. When he was in school, he wanted to be a comedian, but his partner decided to get a job and he couldn't do it.  When he came back to Japan a few years later, I found out that he was in a band, so I bought the equipment and joined the band at lightning speed. The seventh or eighth member of the band.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)